Sunday, December 28, 2014

Machinery at the Ready

Well, I bit the bullet today and delved into my Janome Heavy Duty sewing machine, which had been giving me fits every time I used it, or tried to; and it is not a cheap machine to have repaired, so I was worried that I wouldn't be able to get back to making bags any time soon.  
But I repaired the plate and cleaned out the bobbin casing area and she is running like a top!  So excited, just excited to be excited about sewing again after such a long hiatus.  I think I feel my muse getting excited, as well!!  
We have some cold weather ahead this coming week, and sewing will be something I can get into.  I also plan to get back to work on some sketches and paintings and maybe even a bit of I will make my snowbound time useful and creative.  
That's really all the news...good news for getting back to work.  It seems like I spent the bulk of 2014 living out of a suitcase, and that was okay because it really got me back into painting and crocheting and other such activities that could be made portable.  Now that we have a home and I have my studio space set up, I look forward to a productive 2015....I also look forward to finding some fairs, festivals, markets, etc., so that I can get to know the artisan community here in Colorado.  If you know of any folks that might be able to help me get more info on the best events to participate in, please feel free to send me a note.  
No pictures today, but I'll have some for sure when I post again, because I plan to get on with creating some new stuff for GoodKharma!  Stay warm and keep your heart and mind open....

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