Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Moving In, Moving Forward

I haven't posted here since August.  That may seem crazy but there is good reason.  I relocated to Colorado in September, and endured some adverse living conditions, which were anything but conducive to creativity.  Finally, I have a home and I have been setting up my new studio space.  It is certainly a
in progress, but it has infinite potential and 
fantastic natural light, so I'm pretty darned 
I have so many unfinished works that I am starting to prioritize and get back to work on.  I have so many ideas for new things, modified things, and different directions to go forth with.  GoodKharma will have to find new places to be seen in the world.  I have much research to do on markets, fairs, and festivals in the area.  Also I have to look at the demographics of where the 'targeted audience' for my work hangs out.  And I have just tons of things that I'm dying to try and see what kind of response I get from those who understand the concepts behind all that I do under the umbrella of should be great fun and allow my creative gypsy muse to really dig in and do her thing!!!  I'm pretty excited...

Ahh, some of the Buddhas I'm working on....I have many more to work on, but these need to be brought to fruition first.  The first one, on the left, is really just a little watercolor that actually fill just get framed and probably I'll keep him for myself.  He is likely too lifelike for most folks.  The middle Buddha is in a reclining pose and is acrylic on cotton fabric....he'll be part of a tote bag of some sort, and I already have the materials selected to compliment and feature him properly!  And the handsome guy on the right is a watercolor on linen....also to be incorporated into a tote bag....with some beautiful fabrics and, two out of the three of these handsome me
n will be going places!!
What's that in the background?  Well, still quite the work in progress, but much further along and will be available in a couple of weeks, if I can keep up the good work. I just love quote and designed the picture to go with will be very different the next time you see it, believe me...but I'm happy with the shape that she's taking!
Now these two are going to be available, or certainly the heart/eye on the left, as soon as I get my site back up and going.  I'm not sure about the picture on the right...I may scratch that one and start over.  I like it, but I don't.  I think I can do better, but it was fun to do, nonetheless...and I learned a few things from it, too.

And there is a plethora of fabric and yarn and paints and jewelry-making material for me to delve into based on what I feel like making on any given day.  I am pretty happy to have this kind of flexibility.  Of course, there are some less-than-fun tasks to be done....I need to clean and service my two sewing machines, paint over some old canvases so that they can be reused, and other things that aren't as fun as being in the act of creating.  
Last, but certainly not least, there is my little corner of the office, where I have this little computer to work 
from:  for pictures, blogging, redoing my etsy store, ebay stuff, Facebook page updates, and hopefully re-starting my GKR website.  Much will be happening from this little desk. I also have three books to write in my spare time.  And I'll be assisting my partner with his on-line enterprises. So I will be busy whether I'm in the office or the studio, not to mention the day-to-day activities that happen in between the two locales.  You know: cooking, cleaning, laundry,!
So, a hearty welcome to GoodKharmaReThreads' new digs.  If you know any artisans/artists in the Denver area or if you know of any markets, fairs, or festivals that you think would be a good fit for what GKR does, please feel free to let me know, as I'll be seeking opportunities to vend starting this spring...and I appreciate any suggestions or referrals anyone might have for me.
May you and yours have a  blessed and peaceful holiday season....I look forward  to updating you on GKR's progress as we take on the wild, wild west!!!!    

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